Product Portfolios
Product photography is a branch of photography, which is supposed to accurately and attractively represent a product. There is a lot that goes into attempting to make a subject absolutely picture-perfect – procedure, lighting, background materials, camera angles, depth of field and lastly, overall intent. The size of the object is what determines the scale of the shoot. So in general, product photography can be broadly classified as small, medium and large or industrial.
Art d’nox, Jindal Stainless Steel
This shoot itself was a challenge when the first brief came in because we had to showcase it as a modern product of choice, and yet connect it with traditional India. Green tea, Jaipur blue pottery was the result. So it’s about not just the clicking of the picture, but what goes into it before the shoot that matters more.
Ceat Tyres
Highlighting the perils of Indian roads, CEAT Tyres came up with a special monsoon campaign to communicate that the streets are filled with idiots. Superior grip on the road is necessary. So here the representation of the product itself was not critical, but the concept was.
Sonalika Tractors International
Bigger the scale of the product, the more complicated it gets. The backdrop canvas becomes larger, the army of lights multiplies. And that was not the end of it all; metal reveals all the light sources while the tyres tend to stay under lit. One of the most challenging projects we have probably undertaken.
Project Details
TAGS : Products